Moon Evidence of Previous Civilization

Ancient Lunar dome remnants exist on the moon. The estimated age are between 2.5 to 4 million years old.

The picture below was taken by The NASA’S Lunar Obiter of an area of the moon called Mare Midi. As you can see in the background the standing remains of a segment of the dome still exist today. If you look you will notice the glass rebar (7 times stronger that steel) rising up from the surface of the moon supporting the canopy remnants.

2-15-2014-3-55-26-pmFragments of the dome are hanging off the rebar in places as it rises from the lunar surface. Notice the remaining sections of rebar and canopy fragments rising from the horizon of the moon.

In the foreground is what has been call the shard with the camera registration plus mark above the shard. The shard is part of the dome also and rises above the moon’s surface about 6 miles. The picture has been really magnified causing a lot of blurriness.

When glass is formed in a vacuum it is about 7 times stronger than steel and can be used on the moon with it’s low gravity, to support such a dome over vast areas. You can even see off to the right of the tower in the background fragments hanging off of more rebar. Incredible evidence that NASA has kept secret and not released to the public. In fact I remember when I was young and the first pictures emerged that was being release to the public, the public version that promoted is that it was out gassing from the interior of the Moon. However, they went silent on this and never released any other information about it. Pictures taken years later looked exactly the same, disproving out gassing. The Soviet spacecraft also took pictures of this same area revealing that noting had changed.

Below is another section of this same dome horizon magnified even further. Notice the glass structures remains rising above the surface with canopy fragments still attached. 2-15-2014-4-23-51-pm

This dome covered an area that represented hundreds of square miles. Very large area.

Mare Midi is not the only area that has broken down dome remnants. Mare Crisium also has them as well and there is evidence that they exist in other areas of the moon.

If you look at this picture carefully you can see this grid work of dome supports sticking up miles above the surface with some fragments still attached near the top of the picture.

As you look close to the ground of the moon you can see individual rebar structure going into the ground. It’s probably anchored into the surface of the moon.

This is incredible evidence that an advanced civilization was created by God in the distant past of our earth’s history, but due to the fall of Lucifer and his influence over the people of that time, God decided to destroy the earth and the race of people he had created.

In this photo a grating was used to accentuate the structure behind the grating. The moon has no atmosphere so you can’t see the sun light reflecting off of the atmosphere creating a sunrise or sunset like you see here on earth.2-15-2014-4-44-36-pm

However, in this picture, taken by one of the lunar landers, you see the sun is reflecting off of something causing the horizon to light up even though the sun is below the horizon. As you look through the grating you can see the vast network of rebar supports crisscrossing and you see fragments of the canopy hanging on to parts of the structure like in other pictures.





In this below is a Soviet spacecraft picture of the moon. You get a little better perspective of the shard poking up above the moon surface with other structure of the dome seen to the left of the shard. Again it is magnified so thing look blurred.shard-on-moon-magnified-more-dome-remnants



Here is another picture of interest. When you darken the background of the Moon surface you can see Lines of rebar above the surface of the moon with fragments of the canopy still attached to it.

The largest fragment is called the castle and is estimated to be about 9 miles above the moon’s surface. The piece is quite large.








2-15-2014-5-12-20-pmHere is an enlargement of the picture of the castle in the picture above. Notice the rebar cable that runs through the dome fragment.










2-15-2014-5-14-44-pmIn this picture you can see a section of rebar Illuminated as the background of the moon surface was darkened and the picture further magnified. The rebar really stands out as it hangs above the lunar surface and you can see what looks like segmented banding along the length of the rebar which is consistent with other photos below.





In this picture you can see a whole network of rebar support and canopy fragmentations of the large dome area in Mare Midi.













Below is a picture from the Russian Zond 3 of the frame and remnants of a dome.








capture-hThis picture is really revealing of the structure of the support towers with all the massive rebar and connecting network of glass that make up the dome. Again a lot of magnification has be applied to this photo to make the detail more visible, but a good bit of blurring.








2-18-2014-8-53-09-amHere is another incredible picture of the moon surface with a lot of rebar that has fallen and is in disarray and dome fragments everywhere.






Below are several incredible pictures where the NASA’S Clementine orbiter spacecraft’s cameras are looking down on a dome. Notice the rebar woven into the canopy and the retainer like wires that help hold the rebar to the canopy.  This has incredible details. Also notice the transparency of the dome allowing you to see some detail of the cratered surface below.  There appears to be some kind of structures or buildings on the surface of the moon under this dome.  These pictures are taken directly from the 1994 Navy Clementine military official science data.

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While doing some research I came across this picture of the moons surface and I noticed something just above the horizon and I put an arrow there to make it easy to identify the object of importance. Again here is more dome remnants still standing on the moon.  In the second picture I magnified this area to get a better view of this dome fragment.3-13-2014-2-26-05-pm



As you can see in the picture above you have a rebar and canopy fragments still attached to the rebar from the ground all the way to the main piece, and fragments to the left and right and above the main section of this thing.

The picture below is another one I found during my research.  I noticed a tiny little something above the horizon of the moon and decided to magnify it.  Again more dome fragments in an entirely different part of the moon captured during one of the astronauts Lunar excursions during a moon landing.a-piece-of-the-remains-of-dome


Here is another great picture but hard to see.  If you can carefully observe a hint of the same rebar and fragments rising off the lunar service just below the mountain and you can see a slight darkening of the base of the mountain in certain areas.  Well look what happens when you magnify the picture and look at its negative in second picture.



There you go. You suddenly can see the fragments of another dome.  Pretty incredible.

I have over 140 pictures to prove that in the distant past some race of people that God had to destroy had advanced in technology to the place where they could leave the earth in space craft  and build these domes on the moon.

Some one might ask.  Could this have been the fallen angels that built the domes.  My answer is, why would they need to?  They inhabit the second heaven or dimension around the earth. what possible need would they have for a dome on the moon.  They can appear and disappear at will.  They can walk around on earth in a bodily form that you can’t distinguish from a human.  Why would they need the moon.  What about the demons?  Well the demons are looking for bodies to inhabit to give themselves extension into our dimension.  Why would they need a moon base.