Lyrics for Dark Clouds Over Georgia Guide Stones

Went for a little drive one day.  about an hour and a half drive i’d say.  I came across the ga guild stones, a large monument chiseled to say, 7 Billion people must soon die one day.  To save the earth for the rest of man.  Who do these people think they are.  So began my search that lead to the beast from Hell.

They control the world, though not clearly seen no no.  but more behind the scene I’d say.  they’re everywhere.  Just Search.  Our politicians have sold their soul for their global goals, Schools, and universities, promote their sick ideologies, goes for News and TV Too.

Their goal is to destroy, the constitution we enjoy, freedoms we hold dear, worship, free speech let’s be clear.  Dark clouds over Georgia guide stones

I read through Jesus words that say, A Beast would rise to power in these last days.  Subdue the earth with Satan’s plan, killing and destroying nearly all of man.

People you can’t save yourselves alone.  they’ve come to seize and to steal your soul.  Oh who do they really think you are.  So the question is, will they take you to hell.

When Jesus comes.  He’ll be clearly seen. yea yea.  Much Brighter than the sun I’d say.  Seen everywhere, Really clear.

He’s bringing judgement on the Beast and all lost souls, all the lawless ones and the Lucifer they chose.  The earth will burn to cleanse the world.

They’ve rejected Jesus and his perfect plan.  The plan of redemption to save all Lost men.  don’t be late,  It’s time to choose,

When Jesus comes, peace will reign, oh yea, He’ll come restore the earth I’d say, righteousness will reign, and love.  Dark clouds over Georgia guide stones.